Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sleep Duration and Hyperglycemia Among Obese and Nonobese Children Aged 3 to 6 Years

Penelitian cross-sectional ini mencari hubungan antara durasi tidur dan hiperglikemia pada anak prasekolah. Ternyata kurang tidur berhubungan dengan hiperglikemia. Namun untuk menemukan hubungan kausal perlu penelitian lebih mendalam.

Sleep Duration and Hyperglycemia Among Obese and Nonobese Children Aged 3 to 6 Years

Zhen Tian, MD; Tao Ye, MD; Xiaoyan Zhang, MD; Enqing Liu, MD; Wei Wang, MD; Ping Wang, MD; Gongshu Liu, MD;Xilin Yang, PhD; Gang Hu, MD, PhD, MPH; Zhijie Yu, MD, PhD, MPH 

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2010;164(1):46-52.

Objective  To investigate the association between sleep duration and risk of hyperglycemia among preschool Chinese children.

Design  A population-based cross-sectional study.

Setting  Seventy-one randomly selected kindergartens in Tianjin, China.

Participants  Six hundred nineteen obese (body mass index z score >1.65) and 617 nonobese (body mass index z score <1.65) children aged 3 to 6 years were recruited and matched by age.

Main Exposure  Sleep duration.

Main Outcome Measures  Hyperglycemia, defined as a fasting glucose level of 100 mg/dL or higher.

Results  Obese children were more likely to have shorter sleep duration (<8 hours) compared with their nonobese counterparts (P < .001). Compared with those who slept for 9 or 10 hours per night, those who slept for 8 hours or less hada significantly higher likelihood of having hyperglycemia, controlling for age and sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.65; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12-2.45). After further adjustment for other potential confounders, the association still remained statistically significant (OR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.09-2.46). In the stratified multivariable analyses, those who were obese and slept for 8 hours or less had an increased risk of having hyperglycemia (OR, 2.12; 95% CI, 1.06-4.21) compared with those who were nonobese and slept for 9 hours or more.

Conclusions  Shorter sleep duration is associated with an increased risk of having hyperglycemia among preschool Chinese children. Whether adequate sleep may help maintain euglycemia among children, especially for those who are overweight or obese, warrants further investigation.

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