Tuesday, October 3, 2006

What Should We Eat?

Untuk menjaga kesehatan diet seperti apakah yang harus dikonsumsi? Suatu penelitian membuktikan bahwa sebaiknya kita mengkonsumsi diet yang kaya buah dan sayuran, kacang2an, biji2an, lemak tak jenuh dan ikan, serta menghindari lemak jenuh, garam dan daging merah. Semuanya disusun dalam menu sehari2 yang cukup kalori, tidak perlu berlebihan.

Southern Medical Journal. July 2006, Volume 99, Issue 7. © 2006 Southern Medical Association. What Should We Eat? Evidence from Observational Studies, Stephen M. Adams, MD; John B. Standridge, MD.

Observational studies provide a wealth of important correlations between diet and disease. There is a clear pattern of dietary habits that is associated with reduced rates of a multitude of common illnesses, including heart attack, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and hypertension. In some cases, interventional studies have proven the benefits of dietary change; in others, there is insufficient evidence to prove causation. Based on the existing evidence, the optimal diet should emphasize fruits and vegetables, nuts, unsaturated oils, whole grains, and fish, while minimizing saturated fats (especially trans fats), sodium, and red meats. Its overall calorie content should be low enough to maintain a healthy weight.

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