Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Antibiotika meningkatkan risiko asma

Chest. 2006;129:610-618. March 2006. © 2006 American College of Chest Physicians.
Does Antibiotic Exposure During Infancy Lead to Development of Asthma? A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis, Fawziah Marra, PharmD; Larry Lynd, BSP, PhD; Megan Coombes, MSc; Kathryn Richardson, MSc; Michael Legal, PharmD; J. Mark FitzGerald, MB, MD and Carlo A. Marra, PharmD, PhD. Correspondence to Carlo A. Marra, PharmD, PhD

To determine the association between antibiotic exposure in the first year of life and the development of childhood asthma, University of British Columbia researchers carried out a meta-analysis of observational studies retrieved through systematic search of all available electronic data sources. Studies included in the meta-analyses were those with populations exposed to one or more courses of antibiotics during the first year of life, and asthma diagnosis was defined as diagnosis by a physician between the age of 1 to 18 years. Retrospective and prospective studies published in the English-language literature from 1966 to present were included.

They found that 8 studies (four prospective and four retrospective) examined the association between exposure to at least one course of antibiotics and development of childhood asthma. The total number of subjects for the analysis comparing exposure to at least one antibiotic to no exposure in the first year of life was 12,082 children and 1,817 asthma cases. In the dose-response analysis, we included data from a total of 27,167 children and 3,392 asthma cases. The pooled odds ratio (OR) for the eight studies was 2.05. The association was significantly stronger in the retrospective studies (OR, 2.82) than the prospective studies (OR, 1.12). Five of the eight studies examined whether the association was related to the number of courses of antibiotics taken in the first year of life. The overall OR for the dose-response analysis was 1.16 for each additional course of antibiotics; however, this association was not significantly stronger in the retrospective studies (OR, 1.37) relative to the prospective studies (OR, 1.07).

Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pemberian antibiotika pada bayi merupakan faktor risiko untuk timbulnya asma pada anak2. Namun karena keterbatasan data, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengkonfirmasi temuan ini.

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