Thursday, August 24, 2006

Effects of a Mediterranean-Style Diet on Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Ann Intern Med 4 July 2006, Volume 145 Issue 1, 1-11. © 2006 American
Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Effects of a Mediterranean-Style Diet on Cardiovascular Risk Factors - A
Randomized Trial, Ramon Estruch, MD, PhD; Miguel Ángel Martínez-González,
MD, PhD; Dolores Corella, PhD; Jordi Salas-Salvadó, MD, PhD; Valentina
Ruiz-Gutiérrez, PhD; María Isabel Covas, PhD; Miguel Fiol, MD, PhD; Enrique
Gómez-Gracia, MD, PhD; Mari Carmen López-Sabater, PhD; Ernest Vinyoles, MD,
PhD; Fernando Arós, MD, PhD; Manuel Conde, MD, PhD; Carlos Lahoz, MD, PhD;
José Lapetra, MD, PhD; Guillermo Sáez, MD, PhD; Emilio Ros, MD, PhD, for the
PREDIMED Study Investigators. Correspondence to Ramon Estruch, MD, PhD

Background: The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have beneficial effects
on cardiovascular risk factors.

Objective: To compare the short-term effects of 2 Mediterranean diets versus
those of a low-fat diet on intermediate markers of cardiovascular risk.

Design: Substudy of a multicenter, randomized, primary prevention trial of
cardiovascular disease (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea [PREDIMED] Study).

Setting: Primary care centers affiliated with 10 teaching hospitals.

Participants: 772 asymptomatic persons 55 to 80 years of age at high
cardiovascular risk who were recruited from October 2003 to March 2004.

Interventions: Participants were assigned to a low-fat diet (n = 257) or to
1 of 2 Mediterranean diets. Those allocated to Mediterranean diets received
nutritional education and either free virgin olive oil, 1 liter per week (n
= 257), or free nuts, 30 g/d (n = 258). The authors evaluated outcome
changes at 3 months.

Measurements: Body weight, blood pressure, lipid profile, glucose levels,
and inflammatory molecules.

Results: The completion rate was 99.6%. Compared with the low-fat diet, the
2 Mediterranean diets produced beneficial changes in most outcomes. Compared
with the low-fat diet, the mean changes in the Mediterranean diet with olive
oil group and the Mediterranean diet with nuts group were -0.39 mmol/L (95%
CI, -0.70 to - 0.07 mmol/L) and - 0.30 mmol/L (CI, -0.58 to - 0.01 mmol/L),
respectively, for plasma glucose levels; -5.9 mm Hg (CI, -8.7 to -3.1 mm Hg)
and - 7.1 mm Hg (CI, -10.0 to -4.1 mm Hg), respectively, for systolic blood
pressure; and -0.38 (CI, -0.55 to - 0.22) and - 0.26 (CI, -0.42 to -0.10),
respectively, for the cholesterol-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
ratio. The Mediterranean diet with olive oil reduced C-reactive protein
levels by 0.54 mg/L (CI, 1.04 to 0.03 mg/L) compared with the low-fat diet.

Limitations: This short-term study did not focus on clinical outcomes.
Nutritional education about low-fat diet was less intense than education
about Mediterranean diets.

Conclusion: Compared with a low-fat diet, Mediterranean diets supplemented
with olive oil or nuts have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk

Pengaruh diet Mediterrania terhadap Faktor Risiko Kardiovaskuler

Telah diketahui bahwa diet Mediterrania dapat memperbaiki faktor risiko
penyakit kardiovaskuler (PKV). Para ahli di Spanyol hendak membandingkan
pengaruh diet Mediterrania (tinggi lemak golongan MUFA) dibanding diet
rendah lemak terhadap faktor risiko PKV.

Penelitian berlangsung dari 2003 sampai 2004, diambil dari 10 sentra
kesehatan dan dilakukan randomisasi, melibatkan 772 pasien asimptomatik
risiko tinggi PKV, berusia 55-80 tahun. Pasien di-randomized menjadi
kelompok diet rendah lemak (n=257) atau salah satu dari dua jenis diet
Mediterrania, yaitu kelompok yang mendapat 1 liter perminggu virgin olive
oil (n=257) atau 30g perhari kacang (n=258). Evaluasi dilakukan tiap 3 bulan
terhadap berat badan, tekanan darah, profil lipid, kadar gula darah, dan
penanda inflamasi.

Ternyata dibanding diet rendah lemak, kedua diet Mediterrania yang tinggi
lemak MUFA lebih unggul dalam hal menurunkan kadar gula darah, menurunkan
tekanan sistolik, menurunkan rasio kolesterol terhadap HDL. Diet
Mediterrania dengan olive oil menurunkan kadar C-reactive protein (CRP
adalah penanda inflamasi) dibanding diet rendah lemak.

Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah diet Mediterrania yang tinggi lemak
MUFA (sumber MUFA dari olive oil atau kacang) lebih unggul dalam memperbaiki
faktor risiko PKV dibanding diet rendah lemak.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Adult Obesity and Number of Years Lived with and without Cardiovascular Disease

M. Carolina Pardo Silva*,, Chris De Laet*, Wilma J. Nusselder*, Abdulah A.
Mamun and Anna Peeters*,
* Department of Public Health and Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
School of Population Health, University of Queensland, Queensland,
Australia; and
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Monash University, Victoria,


Objective: To determine the differences in number of years lived free of
cardiovascular disease (CVD) and number of years lived with CVD between men
and women who were obese, pre-obese, or normal weight at 45 years of age.
Research Methods and Procedures: We constructed multistate life tables for
CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke, using data from 2551 enrollees (1130
men) in the Framingham Heart Study who were 45 years of age.
Results: Obesity and pre-obesity were associated with fewer number of years
free of CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke and an increase in the number
of years lived with these diseases. Forty-five-year-old obese men with no
CVD survived 6.0 years [95% confidence interval (CI), 4.1; 8.1] fewer than
their normal weight counterparts, whereas, for women, the difference between
obese and normal weight subjects was 8.4 years (95% CI: 6.2; 10.8). Obese
men and women lived with CVD 2.7 (95% CI: 1.0; 4.4) and 1.4 years (95% CI:
-0.3; 3.2) longer, respectively, than normal weight individuals.
Discussion: In addition to reducing life expectancy, obesity before middle
age is associated with a reduction in the number of years lived free of CVD
and an increase in the number of years lived with CVD. Such information is
paramount for preventive and therapeutic decision-making by individuals and
practitioners alike.

Para peneliti dari Belanda dan Australia ingin mengetahui masa depan orang
obesitas, pra-obesitas dan orang normal mulai usia 45 tahun, terhadap
terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskuler (PKV), infark miokard (IM) dan strok.
Data diambil dari Framingham Heart Study, jumlah sampel 2551 orang, 1130
laki2 dan sisanya wanita.

Ternyata keadaan obesitas dan pra-obesitas menyebabkan lebih sedikit tahun
kehidupan tanpa PKV, IM dan strok. Dengan kata lain obesitas dan
pra-obesitas menyebabkan seseorang lebih lama hidup mengidap ketiga penyakit
tersebut. Laki2 usia 45 tahun dengan obesitas 6 tahun lebih awal terkena PKV
dibanding laki2 normal usia yang sama. Untuk wanita perbedaan mencapai 8,4
tahun. Sedangkan laki2 dan wanita obesitas menderita PKV masing2 2,7 tahun
dan 1,4 tahun lebih lama dibanding orang normal.

Kesimpulannya obesitas pada usia pertengahan akan memperpendek waktu hidup
bebas PKV dan memperpanjang penderitaan PKV. Sehingga pencegahan dan terapi
obesitas pada usia pertengahan adalah sangat penting.